Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Angelo King Center for Performing Arts Building


          The Angelo King Center for Performing Arts Building houses several classrooms that each specialize a certain area. It is fronting the football field. The building is made of four floors. The first floor consists of the Chorale Room, and the Orchestra Room. The second floor consists of a general music room allocated for the freshmen and the sophomores, and the Rondalla Room. The third floor consists of two general music classrooms, one for grades 6 and 7 and the other for 3rd and 4th year students. The next and highest floor consists of a ballet studio and an art room. The Alumni office can also be found in this building. Other than that, the Sylvia P. Lina Theatre, which can easily seat 1052 students, is where most school programs are held such as the annual school production, seminars, and other shows and concerts.

- Eman Fernando

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